How Do Construction Boots Become Waterproof?

How Do Construction Boots Become Waterproof?

Investing in a pair of good waterproof boots that you can wear while working at a construction site is one of the best decisions you can make.

These construction boots will be able to keep your feet warm and dry even on the rainiest of days, but also keep you safe and protected from all the usual dangers and risks found at work and building sites.

Ever Boots has a wide range of top-quality construction boots that come waterproofed and ready to be used in all weather conditions. These boots have been chosen for premium materials and craftsmanship which ensures their longevity and durability.

If you are curious about how construction boots become waterproof and the process, then this article is for you. The different ways boots can become waterproof will be explored below, as well as why waterproofing can be so essential to your physical wellbeing in the workplace.

How Are Boots Waterproofed?

There are some materials that come with a degree of natural waterproofing. For instance, leather can do a very good job of keeping water and moisture out of a shoe while also providing some ventilation. However, this is not the waterproofing that we are talking about.

A combination of factors will create a waterproof boot, these are:

  • Sealed Seams - seams can be sealed with a thin glue inside the shoe. This method is also used for raincoats and tents and is a fantastic way to prevent any water from creeping into the incredibly small holes created by seams.
  • Sprays and Waxes - many waterproof boots are treated with a special waterproofing spray or wax which creates a protective cover and causes water to roll off the shoe rather than penetrate it.
  • Raised Eyelets - many construction boots have larger eyelets than other types of shoes. To ensure that these do not allow water in, they are often raised and attached rather than punched.

Ultimately, most boots cannot be 100% entirely waterproof due to how all shoes are made. Shoes and boots have to be stitched together and the act of stitching means creating very small holes for the thread to be pulled through. Sealed seams and waterproofing sprays will help to minimize this.

Even when the thread is also treated to be waterproof, there is a small chance that water may get through if rainfall is heavy or continuous.

To avoid this altogether, you may need a waterproof membrane, which is essentially a cover to go over the shoes, but this is not always feasible as it may make movement more difficult or reduce traction and grip.

For the vast majority of people, waterproof construction boots will work perfectly and no water will get into the boots.

Why Choose a Waterproof Construction Boot?

There are two major benefits to investing in waterproof work boots, safety, and comfort. You will quickly discover that you are kept safer on construction sites and other workplaces because waterproof boots come with better traction and grip than most others.

This means that you do not have to worry about slipping up on wet and slippery surfaces and can mobilize on scaffolding and ladders with ease.

You will also find that your feet are much more comfortable when dry and warm, even during the wettest and coldest months! Waterproofing means your feet will not end up soggy. They can also be more insulated than other options, which means your feet will not end up numb and freezing during night shifts or winter work.

If you’re looking for exceptional quality construction boots, browse through our collection by visiting our website. If you have questions, contact us at 951-268-6549 at Ever Boots today!

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