Cuffing Jeans with Work Boots (The Right Way)

Cuffing Jeans with Work Boots (The Right Way)


Did you know that there is a right and wrong way to cuff your jeans? We know that sounds more complicated than it needs to be, but the fashion police will come thumping on the door (this goes for both men and women) if you do not listen to our advice.

The first thing we tell you is that your height should be taken into consideration.

What does that mean?

Well, you want the size of the roll should be equal to how tall you are. We know that sounds weird, so bear with us. We are going to explain the dos and don'ts of rolling your jeans (including both denim and chino cuts).

Denim Cut Jeans and More

The first thing we want to talk to you about here is the seam. The seam is very small. That means you have a little more legroom (#sorry, not sorry for the pun) to work with. In our opinion, you can do anything you want here, as long as it looks good.

The jeans need at least one cuff to make it look pleasing to the eye. We are also here to tell you that you can show some leg. Yes, honey, show some legs here (again, this is for both men and women). It will make you look taller. Hey, guys, you might attract some attention from the girls (if you are into that sort of thing, and we are talking to the straight guys here).

An Example

One of our sons wanted to do the cuff jeans with boots. He placed his slim denim over his boots. He rolled the hem twice (if memory serves us correctly). It looked great on him. He could have gotten away with one hem, but he wanted two. You know how kids are.

Now, keep in mind, that we are talking about denim pants. The seams are what you want to show off. We recommend you begin with one cuff and go from there.

The Ankles

Hide Your Ankles

Some of our experts suggest that you hide the ankles, even if you are wearing socks. We have found that sometimes it is better to not show the socks if you show the ankles. We do not recommend you do that if you need to wear something like waterproof work boots, construction boots for men, or waterproof work shoes.

The reason is due to the work environment. We want you to protect yourself. We do not recommend trying something bold at work, especially when you work in construction. We suggest that you cuff the jeans very small and keep your ankles and skin protected.

Wait until after work to be bold and daring.

The Bold and The Daring

Be Bold If You Dare

Yes. We took some of the lines from the show: The Bold and The Beautiful. Now, it is time to discuss the bold approach in your private time. Our son tried this one too. Now, we warn you that this look is not for the shy person. You have to be confident to try this look, but it will work.

Our son has his about eight inches high, maybe a little less. We do want to note that this is a trend that seems to be growing. You will see more men (and possibly women) doing this. Some denim is too thick and bulky to do the three-inch roll. We find it looks bad. That is why you should do one big cuff.

The one thing we warn against is trying this look if you are short. The look is better for taller men. Short guys look like they are being swallowed by the cuff. You might even look shorter. Let the tall guys do it and you focus on what works best for your height.

The bold men like to the high cuts. We say go for it if you feel confident enough to try it.

The Chino Look

Chino Cuffs

Okay, now we are going to discuss the chino cuts. Chino pants work differently than denim pants. You cannot always get away with the same look.

A rolled chino (when done properly) creates a show-stopping focal point. We suggest rolling them once or twice (but not more than that). You will have a more polished look. Do you have your Ever Boots lying around the house? Pair the chinos with them and you will look fabulous.

  1. The hem is going to tell you everything you need to know about the width. There should be extra one-two inches at the bottom. Roll that at the seam. You will look great. Trust on that. Our son never looked better.
  2. The cuff size will make you either taller or shorter. Those who are under five-foot-ten need to choose something less than one and a half inches. Those who are more than five-foot-ten should pick a seam that is one and one-third.
  3. There is a rule you should follow. We suggest that you follow the one to two cuffs to the letter. Our son found out the hard way.

Ever In Doubt?

Take your pants (chino or otherwise) and pick the one point 5 inches cuffs. It looks great. You will not go wrong. Our son did that after he did some experimenting.

What About The Pinroll?

Yeah, we get asked that a lot. You are (basically) creating a pleat in the pants for yourself. My son used to do that when he was younger. It works when you wear loafers and oxfords. We do not suggest a pin roll with sneakers. You will look like you are wearing your dad's pants. We doubt that is the look you are going for (unless it is, then a thousand apologies).

Visit us today and find more information about wearing your work boots in style.

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